Getting started with Kokonut UI - PRO.
Get started
KokonutUI - PRO helps you to build projects faster. it is designed for Next.js but can be run smoothly with standalone React.
Access to KokonutUI - PRO
All components require to be a paid user to access the code. For free components please visit, which is open-source version.
1. Install utilities
Most of the components use cn
utility function. Run the following command to install it. As you may notice, this use Tailwind CSS
, please make sure to install it in your project.
2. Install lucide icons
We are using lucide-icons for most of the components that include icons.
3. That's it.
You can now copy paste any components, each component are standalone which mean you don't any additional dependencies
Simply copy and paste the components you'd like and add it to your project.
4. Optionnal dependencies
Some components require motion for advanced animation. They are under the Motion category.